Expository Writing

Islands can be beautiful places of serenity, but under the
right conditions they can cause you so much annoyance that you
start pulling your hair out! Humidity is something I loath, and it’s
something islands have in truck loads. Many a day at this island
beach house, I found myself slumped in a chair with a glass of water
sweating like a pig! Humidity annoys me under normal conditions, but
being near the equator makes it near unbearable.

Another thing about these islands is that sometimes you aren’t alone. Imagine you
are sun bathing on the beach and here a rustling in the sand. You
look over and see a crab – the size of a football. At that point
you scream, grab your towel, and run into the house. The crabs on
this island are potentially dangerous because of their size, causing
me to avoid them for the rest of my stay. Running around dodging
crabs in 95 degree heat was just to much for me.

There are so many places to go on earth, don’t waste all your time on islands! Find a
vacation spot you prefer and don’t just go on other people’s

Get me out of here!

Get me out of here!

One thought on “Expository Writing

  1. Rhys, another super story. Just wanted to leet you know I have tickets to this island for summer vacation. Just kidding. I would like you to slowly re-read this story and see if you can find 3 errors. I will talk to you about it later at home. Great work! Don’t forget, the goal it to be your best editor too. Hugs! Mom

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