
Hi, I’m Brian and I wrote this to tell you about an
experience I had. Three years ago during summer vacation I decided
to bike across Kansas. At the time I felt invincible and it seemed
like fun, so on the first day of summer break I signed up for a
bike-across-the-state event. It went well at first. The other
bikers and I had a great time. We joked, we laughed, and we told
funny stories. About a week later we were half way across Kansas
when I got separated from the rest of the group! I must have not
been paying attention and taken a wrong turn because I was way off

Eventually I made it to a small backwoods town called
Glenndale. Exhausted, I stumbled into the local diner and ordered a
burger. As I was waiting for my food to come I over heard a group
of old men talking about “Reggie.” They said he walked the
backroads of the country killing people with his metal hand and
eating them. They said the only way to get away from him was to get
into a town. Thinking it was a bunch of hodgepodge, I paid the bill
and continued on my way. I had found out that the town two miles
from here was my bike group’s next destination, and if I hurried I
could catch up to them. That evening I set out for the the town on
a dirt road that would take me straight to my destination. I road
fast, not wanting to be caught out in the dark. About half way
there my bike hit something on the road and I flew over the
handles! I crashed to the ground winded and bruised. When I finally
got up I saw what I had crashed into: nails. The road was covered
in nails! I got up and looked around. Who would put nails on the
road? Then I saw it. There was a man in the distance behind me. He
wore a black trench coat and cowboy boots and his hair was long and
stringy. As the wind shifted towards me I could smell a foul odor.
It smelled like dirty socks and decay. Then I noticed his arm. He
wore a brace over his right arm and his hand was covered in a glove
with blades on the end of its fingers. I turned and ran down the
road. I could hear him behind me as I ran. He was faster then me
and was quickly gaining ground! Ahead of me was the city! I kept
running! I was almost safe! I don’t know what happened next, but I
tripped and crashed to the ground. I looked over my shoulder to see
him reaching for me: he was inches away but would not go any
closer. Then I remembered what the old man had said. “He won’t go
into town.” This was the first time I got a truly good look at him.
He was covered in scars and had sharp teeth. He also had tears in
his eyes. As I began to back away he started screaming at me in a
high off tune voice telling me not to go, to step closer. As I
turned and ran I heard him sobbing at the lost of his meal! I still
look over my shoulder sometimes, expecting him to be there ready to
claim his lost prize! Reggie


Kate woke to someone shaking her, “Yo Kate- time for the walk, lets go! Satellites won’t fix themselves.” Grumbling Kate unstrapped from the bed and pushed into the hallway of the space station, she was greeted  by the rest of the crew with calls of “hello.” and “morning.”

Kate grumbled ” On the one day they let us sleep in,a satellite goes offline,great!” Kate lazily floated to the suit room and with the help of her partner Rico, dawned a mark 12 suit. After Rico and her were dressed and ready to go she gave the thumbs up to the camera on the wall.

There was a hiss and everything went quiet,then the door opened and Kate stepped into nothingness.

She didn’t fall though,  she slowly floated away from the station and into space. “Ah the big blue world.” She thought looking down at earth .  Rico was close behind her and shouted over the radio, ” Aww yeah I’m back in space baby!” Kate simply rolled her eyes and turned to look at the satellite they were supposed to fix. It wasn’t there. “Command, we must be in the wrong position there’s no satellite.” Rico was spinning, searching for the machine. “Are you sure Kate.” Replied a voice over the radio, Kate switched on her helmet camera. Giving command a direct view of their position. “Come back to the station Kate,we’ll tell Houston we have a missing satellite.” Replied the man over the radio. As Kate used her thruster pack to turn, she saw three flashes out of the corner of her eye. Thinking it was her imagination she turned and rocketed back to the station. The station was bustling at the news of Rico and Kate’s discovery, everyone was chattering like school children. Eventually Captain Michael called everyone into the command center. “Alright everyone, listen up, I know your excited but the satellite is probably just off course, nothing to worry about.” Just as Michael said this, there were three loud bangs on the roof above them!

Everyone jumped and went completely quiet. Kate noticed a drop of sweat float by her face and collide with the wall. The she heard another sound–footsteps. Heading for the airlock. Kate pulled herself to the monitor and looked at the airlock through the camera. Three figures in black metal armor were pulling themselves through the airlock. One of them looked at the camera, raised his arm and fired a blast of blue energy from his hand! The feed went dead.

“Run!” screamed Kate just as the airlock opened and the armored people streamed into the station, another blast zipped through the air and obliterated the head of the person standing next to her! In panic Kate pushed herself towards the escape pods, her crew close behind her!  Projectiles sailed through the air around her, scorching the walls. She finally sailed into the room housing the escape pods, desperately she clawed at the latch to open one of them! She pulled it open with a shout of triumph, ” Guys, get in- oomph!” One of the figures tackled her, sending them both spinning through the room. Kate kicked and punched but she couldn’t escape its grasp! It raised a hand and a blade popped from it’s armor. The man drove the blade into Kate’s midsection and twisted it. Kate’s vision turned black around the edges! The figure pulled the blade from her body and left her hanging in the zero gravity. As Kate blacked out she looked towards the window, she saw ships– thousands of ships. Ships not made by man.

Expository Writing

Islands can be beautiful places of serenity, but under the
right conditions they can cause you so much annoyance that you
start pulling your hair out! Humidity is something I loath, and it’s
something islands have in truck loads. Many a day at this island
beach house, I found myself slumped in a chair with a glass of water
sweating like a pig! Humidity annoys me under normal conditions, but
being near the equator makes it near unbearable.

Another thing about these islands is that sometimes you aren’t alone. Imagine you
are sun bathing on the beach and here a rustling in the sand. You
look over and see a crab – the size of a football. At that point
you scream, grab your towel, and run into the house. The crabs on
this island are potentially dangerous because of their size, causing
me to avoid them for the rest of my stay. Running around dodging
crabs in 95 degree heat was just to much for me.

There are so many places to go on earth, don’t waste all your time on islands! Find a
vacation spot you prefer and don’t just go on other people’s

Get me out of here!

Get me out of here!