Eyeless jack

I decided to write a post about the guy I’m going to be for Halloween: Eyeless Jack. Everyone I’ve told about Jack thinks he’s Slender Man so I will just show you a picture. ( Yes that’s me in the costume.)

Eyeless Jack Encounter
The house loomed up over the street, blotting out the moonlight and casting dark shadows across the lawn. I walked up the steps and was startled by what I saw: the porch was inhabited by nothing but a single jack-o-lantern with the word “leave” carved into it. Other than that, there was nothing but dust and cobwebs.

My mind was screaming at me not to do it, but I opened the door and stepped inside. I was simply too curious not to. After all, no one had been inside for two years since the family that had originally lived there had found their daughter in bed with a incision on her left side and her left kidney removed. I stepped inside the house and looked around and noticed something strange.

There on the dining room table was a blue mask and a small red object on a plate. I stepped forward and got a closer look at the object and nearly vomited. The thing on the plate was a kidney! I turned to run and saw a teenaged boy standing in the doorway, but I couldn’t stop and ran straight into him. The boy grabbed my neck and lifted me off the ground! Struggling to breath, I choked out the words “Who are you?” The boy cocked his head and his face came into the moonlight. His teeth were sharp, but the most grisly feature of his face was that he had no eyes!

With inhuman strength the boy hurled me through a window onto the lawn. I scrambled up and stared as the boy pick up the kidney and swallowed it whole. I ran home and called the police! They found nothing at the house but fingerprints that they concluded belonged to a boy named Jack, who had died eight years ago.

Eyeless Jack in mask

Eyeless Jack in mask

Pedernales Falls

Today I went on a hike to Pedernales Falls, a place that has a nice name but is the area of occurrence for multiple drownings.(o_O) (Creepy!)

Anyway, while I was there I found lots of interesting things. I found an outlet to a spring in a pond, and found clean water seeping up from a crack in a rock. I also traveled to Duck Rock, a rock shaped like a duck. I couldn’t get to it though because the water was too high and I couldn’t jump across.

On the way back, I was stung in the hand by a bee, but it couldn’t inject enough venom into my hand for it to hurt very much. In fact it kind of tickled.

Standing In the falls.

Standing In the falls.

The Government Shutdown

I am not going to talk trash about the Republicans. In fact, I think both parties need to start acting like adults. I think the Government needs to get its act together and stop fooling around like little kids just because they can’t agree on what they want to do.

We need to get the people who were sent home back to work before the Government unravels.

If any one reads this who has any power in the Government, please stop this madness before you run this country into the ground for good!

Always Sick

Into the school
Down the dirty halls
Among the diseases and their vessels
Upon contact it’s too late
In my veins they congregate
Inside my body warfare rages
Regardless of my prescription pages
Despite my efforts to defend
Towards defeat my forces spin
Rather than let the invaders split
I grab a pill and swallow it!

Viral Battle

Lau, Ezra. “Ezra Lau Art Blog: 04/2009.” Web log post. Ezra Lau Art Blog: 04/2009. N.p., 1 Apr. 2009. Web. 26 Sept. 2013.

My Pets

I have had a lot of pets over the years that I have been alive. I used to three cats, but two of them died. Their names were Spike and Eclipse. They were code named after Macintosh computers. The last cat is named Lola and she is 15 years old.

The Mobs of Minecraft

To all the Minecraft players in the class,I have a list of mobs and ways to combat them. If you have a more effective way of dealing with a certain mob, or I left out critical information, please leave a comment.

The first mob I will discuss is the zombie. The zombie is one of the more common mobs in Minecraft and I have found a simple way of killing them, having had many encounters with them. First lead them up a steep hill or cliff and then hit them off. That way they take damage from you and the fall.

The next mob on the list is the skeleton. In my opinion this is one of the most annoying mobs in the game. They sneak up on me and shoot me in the back! I have found that if you stay mobile they can’t shoot you as easily.

The next  mob is the  infamous creeper. If this mutated pig sees you it will charge at you and explode. To combat them just hit them than back away.

The next mob is the slime. This mob is probably the easiest mob to combat in the game. They will die if submerged because they can’t swim. I guess that this also applies to the magma slime, but I can’t be sure since I’ve never seen one.minecon 2013

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: George via Compfight